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Sam4S SPS-345 Electronic Cash Register

Sam4S SPS-345 Electronic Cash Register DOWNLOAD BROCHURE

Functional style in an affordable package.

The Sam4S SPS-345 raised keyboard electronic cash register (ECR) is the retail version of the 300 series Sam4S product line, and combines a remarkable feature set with a sophisticated design.

The Sam4S SPS-345’s 8-line LCD makes every transaction easy to read and easy to understand for the cashier, which reduces the chance for human error. The operator display is so large that it can accommodate up to five line items as well as the total tax and transaction subtotal. The SPS-345 is also equipped with an LED rear customer display which maintains transparency, trust, and accountability throughout the transaction process.

Sam4S SPS-340 Operator Display

The Sam4S SPS-345’s 8-line LCD makes every transaction the cashier, which reduces the chance for human error. The operator display is so large that it can accommodate up to five line items as well as the total tax and transaction subtotal. The SPS-345 is also equipped with an LED rear customer display which maintains transparency, trust, and accountability throughout the transaction process.

The Sam4S SPS-345 cash register offers a generous retail keyboard with 21 double-sized “raised” department or PLU keys that can be pre-set priced or open to enter prices manually allowing retailers to categorize their sales. If the merchant requires more items on the keyboard, no problem, the keyboard can be comfortably expanded to up to 63 pre-set items or departments. An optional scanner can be connected to one of the two Sam4S serial ports, allowing up to 20,000 items to be scanned.

The Sam4S SPS-345 comes equipped with a fast two station thermal receipt printer that prints at 22 lines per second both a receipt for customers and a printed journal for the merchant’s records. The merchant may customize their receipts with a graphic logo and program messages for both the top and bottom of the receipt.

Sam4S SPS-340 Rear Customer Display

The register also comes with a steel 5-slot cash drawer and coin tray, which is large enough to accommodate Canadian bills as well as one and two dollar coins. The Sam4S SPS-345 is also compliant with HST and is capable of penny-rounding cash change in Canada.

Feature Highlights

  • 8-line operator LCD display with easy viewing tilt
  • 1-line rear customer display
  • 150-key Flat Spill-Resistant Keyboard (up to 100 preset keys for menu items)
  • Simple guest check capability
  • Steel cash drawer 5 bill/5 coin
  • SD card slot for program backup/re-load
  • Easy-to-use drop & paper load 2-station thermal printer

Optional Peripherals

  • Scanner – Scan up to 20,000 items (depending on memory allocation)
  • Remote Printer / Kitchen Printer / Prep Printer
  • Interfaced Scale
  • Inter-Register Communication (IRC)