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Payroll Deduction

Employee Uses Payroll Deduction at Company Self-Service Kiosk

Streamline Your Payroll Deduction Process

Your employees can often be your best advocates and valuable customers, many of whom will shop in your stores weekly. Many manufacturer company stores offer their own staff charge accounts as an incentive and encouragement for their employees to shop in-house. Many more have cafeterias or multi-store enterprises, and are looking for a way for employees to conveniently pay for their onsite purchases, and for your accounting department to easily manage payroll deduction. Catapult offers this convenient functionality in a Payroll Deduction IP module which works at either Catapult Retail Point of SaleMobile POS, or the Self-Service Checkout.

Self-Service Kiosk With Payroll Deduction In Company Break RoomImprove Accuracy and  Reduce Friction

Management and administration of the employee charge accounts and entering them into employee payroll can be burdensome, and human errors on payroll can be a blight on a company’s good HR track record. As a result, many corporations regrettably choose not to allow employees to have charge accounts at all. Catapult’s Payroll Deduction Module allows retail and corporate enterprises allowing employees to make on-premise purchases, connect the transaction to customer tracking, charge it at the POS to accounts receivable or a “house account”, and a record of the transactions is then exported for the purposes of payroll deduction.

Eliminating the laborious manual accounting of every transaction, the Payroll Deduction IP module, is part of the Catapult Integration Host middleware platform, and provides Catapult users with a turnkey solution for exchanging employee charge and payment data with 3rd party corporate payroll systems. Configure the Payroll Deduct IP interface to export employee charges to your payroll system and import deductions from payroll back to Catapult to automatically update employee balances for complete visibility at the point-of-sale. Account file exchanges can be scheduled or triggered manually. Optionally, for additional peace-of-mind, you can configure automatic email notifications to alert you to successful file imports and exports.

Securely Combine Discounts & Incentives

In addition to offering in-house credit for their own staff, many company stores and retailers also offer friends and family discounts or other incentives to their own employees for remaining loyal to their employers brand. All of those incentives and discounts can be tracked using Catapult’s customer tracking system, loyalty points, and or LoyaltyBot features. From there, the data can be reported on and included as part of the transaction data forwarded on through the Payroll Deduction system.

Secure OneTouch Biometrics ScanningIncrease Payroll Deduction Security With Secure OneTouch

Catapult POS helps manage employee charge account security as well. Catapult allows for the traditional methods of employee identification such as name, employee number, telephone, but also can be configured to accept employee cards, HID tags, employee badges, and even employee fingerprints using Catapult’s Secure OneTouch. Additionally, Catapult will display an employee photo whenever an employee account is brought up at the point of sale.

Of course, you can always run reports of hundreds of individual employee transactions and enter them the old-fashioned way with human error and hundreds of hours of additional labour, or you can streamline your payroll processes with Catapult’s Payroll Deduction IP system.