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Ishida INS-100 Price Computing Scale

Ishida INS 100 Price Computing Scale Read The Brochure

Accurate Retail Weighing Anytime Anywhere

The Ishida INS-100 Price Computing Scale is an excellent scale for the budget conscious retailer in need of weighing fresh food and produce. The scale is perfect for a deli or butcher for meat or cheese, candy, tea, or coffee beans, or small grocery, weighing fruit, vegetables or bakery goods. Generally speaking, the INS-100 is an affordable option anytime or anywhere weighing with price computation needs to happen.

The scale is equipped with a easy to read operator and rear customer LED displays, and can handle up to 5 digit commodity pricing. The stainless steel weighing platter is made of stainless steel, and is removable for easy cleaning. To balance the scale for accurate weight, the Ishida INS-100 comes with adjustable feet, a gravity bubble, and a “Zero” function allowing the operator to set the scale to perfect zero before weighing begins.

Because of it’s compact size, it’s perfect for small shops where counter space is at a premium, or for vendors that need a small price computing scale for retail that’s easy to transport. The scale comes equipped with an AC power cord, but the scale is also equipped with a rechargeable battery, so it’s an excellent scale for farm markets, outdoor fresh food vendors, or fruit stands.

The Ishida INS-100 price computing scale provides a simple yet effective set of functions, which include a “Tare” weight capability, that allows the operator to remove the weight of the package or container from the commodity. The “Add” function allows the operator to add the totals of multiple items together for the same customer. The “Memory” feature allows the user to save the Unit Price and Tare weight until new values are entered.

The Ishida INS-100 is available in Lbs or Kg and is Legal For Trade and certified by Measurement Canada.

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